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So you want a Greyhound.....
Greyhounds are one of the oldest dog breeds. Greyhounds were originally bred in England for Coursing, Racing and hunting. Height 28-30in, Weight 60-88lbs, Life span is 10-14 years but many live to 18. Greyhounds have slender muscular bodies. They have a much more flexible spine than most breeds which being over weight can cause issues. With proper weight, you should see the last two ribs on both sides. Greyhounds can run a speed of 43 MPH, a short second place to the Cheetah. Their coat can be almost any color, most common is brindle, most rare is blue(grey).
Greyhounds love to run, they do not require a lot of exercise, but should have a short walk daily and a few times a week in an area big enough to run in. They do not require large homes, they spend most their day being lazy and laying around or sleeping. They have small heads which require a special martingale collar so it does not slip off, due to the fragility and thin skin of their neck it must be soft material.
Greyhounds as puppies are one of the easiest to raise but are still puppies. They still chew up things, still play and still require proper potty training. They can be crate trained for at night but during the day should not be left crated for more than a few hours. Greyhounds are inside dogs, they cannot be left out all day and night in the back yard.
Greyhounds can build up plaque on their teeth and require suggested regular teeth cleanings. Greyhounds have soft pads and can often get injuries that need to be maintained and looked out for. They have thin skin which can be torn easily even in play fighting. Greyhounds can not regulate their body heat in temps usually below 50 they require greyhound tailored jackets and in the heat of the day should not run exerting them selves beyond heat exhaustion. Greyhounds can bleed out easily and can have issues with anesthesia so make sure you have a vet familiar with greyhounds before putting them under for any operation. They also have small livers so most doses of medications must be checked with your vet. Greyhounds are one of the least shedding breeds pretty close to that of a poodle needing very low maintenance for their coat. We feed our high protein, high calorie, high quality sporting dog Kibble mixed with steamed chicken, rice and vegetables. It is not uncommon for a Greyhound to be a picky eater.
Greyhounds can get separation anxiety. Its best to not be away more than 4 hours a day. The can be family dogs and connect to everyone in the family. They are not big barkers, maybe when their owner arrives home or they will howl if you own a few howlers, most of the time they whine or cry for what they want. Greyhounds love to snuggle and they would love to sleep with you in your bed but also at time like to be left alone to sleep.
Greyhounds are intelligent yet a stubborn dog. They are not easily trained commands. They very, very, very, rarely can be off leash dogs unless in an enclosed area such as a dog park, I do not suggest it unless you can dedicate time and you are familiar with the breed and the temperament /behavior that a good off leash dog requires. Even with extensive training, for them to be successfully of leash, comes down to personality of the dog. Greyhounds are gentle, friendly dogs with adults and children. They can be a pack dog or a single pet, I would say they do prefer a friend dog of any breed. They can often be with cats or even chickens. Keep in mind what they have been trained to do for many years (chase prey).
That being said, I have owned many other breeds in my life. I can say this breed finds a special place in your heart and its hard to go back to any other breed after owning a greyhound. They will make themselves part of your family and you will find yourself sitting at home on a Saturday night to be with your dog, finding locations you can go, that your dog can go as well. They truly will become your best friend, your pal, your family member. If after reading about the breed your are still interested I encourage you to read our DAM and SIRE profiles to see if their temperaments match what you are looking for in a pet. You can also view available puppies and see what their assessment of temperament. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
To read even more about the breed please see these links :
Greyhound club of America: https://www.greyhoundclubofamericainc.org/greyhounds/
American Kennel Club: https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/greyhound/